In addition to a game, Gao&Blaze is an applied research on the relevance of a game application as an educational tool.

Through qualitative and quantitative surveys conducted with players, we observe the evolution of their awareness and their practices regarding personal data protection. Thus, we wish to determine whether or not the ludic approach proves to be effective in transmitting knowledge, whether it results in a shift to action, in what proportions, and with what differences according to the audience…

Before going into more detail about our research, we would like to reiterate our warm thanks to all the people who agreed to participate in these surveys and to help us!

Qualitative survey

Qualitative research methods are designed to analyze a subject in depth. In our case, we constituted a representative panel of people and conducted semi-structured interviews and observations in everyday life situations.

The objectives of this survey are multiple:

  • To identify the level of competence of people with their mobile devices
  • Identify their level of awareness and interest in the issue of personal data protection
  • Identify the situations of data exposure (including sensitive data) and their level of acceptance
  • To be able to compare the results obtained before and after the use of the application in order to measure its effects

The first results of this survey have allowed us to adapt the pedagogical contents proposed within the application to the real situations and needs we have identified.

Quantitative survey

Quantitative survey methods are intended to measure and quantify a phenomenon. In our case, we invite the players to complete a questionnaire at the end of the game, in a playful form and integrated into the scenario. This questionnaire allows us to collect different information

  • The socio-demographic profile of the respondents (gender, age, socio-professional category…)
  • The emotions felt during each phase of the game (playful and entertaining aspects, concerns, coherence, interest…)
  • Changes in understanding of the issues and/or practices, and their magnitude
  • The degree of completion of the game and the parts explored or not
  • The number of respondents relative to the number of downloads of the application

All of this data is collected with the explicit consent of the individuals involved and personal data is minimized before it is sent to our servers. In this way, we do not collect any data that would allow us to directly identify respondents.

Upcoming publication

Once completed, this research and the anonymized data collected will be published in open access.

This will allow comparisons to be made with similar surveys and to identify the most effective mechanisms, or those to be avoided, within the framework of playful pedagogy projects.